Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Guinness Book of World Records

People will do some strange things to get into The Guinness Book of World Records. One man came up with an interesting idea; he decided to be the kissing champion of the world. On August 19, 1985, Alfred A. E. Wolfram kissed 10,504 people in eight hours at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. Have a variety of record books available for the participants to use.


The Most Kisses
By J. Patrick Lewis

Wolfram, Alfred,
quicker smacker
record breaker.
Wolfram, Alfred
couldn’t kiss
just one Min-
nesota miss
went and kissed
10,000 more. (Somebody was keeping score.)

Lewis, J. Patrick, and Keith Graves. 2008. THE WORLD’S GREATEST POEMS: THE TALKINGEST BIRD, THE TALLEST ROLLER COASTER, AND 23 ORTHER ‘EST’S.. San Francisco, Calif: Chronicle Children's.

Have everyone daydream a few events in which they might set world records. Then ask everyone to try to describe either one of those events or one from the record books in a poem.

Photo courtesy of http://images.search.yahoo.com/.

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