Put on a Superman cape, and ask children to guess what that has to do with Mother's Day. Talk about the special things the grownups who raise them do for the children.
By Nikki Grimes
Mom says
She remembers
The night
I came running
Into her room
In bare feet
Wearing faded
Superman pajamas
Tears chasing
Each other
Down my cheeks
Because I’d had
A scary dream
About drowning.
She remembers
How I dove under
The quilt & curled
into the curve
Of her back
Where I slept
Like a baby
& how I
tickled her awake
The next day
& sprayed her
With laughter.
I don’t understand
How she could cram
So many details
Into this memory
When all I know
Is that one night
I cried & she
Was there.
Grimes, Nikki. 2000. HOPSCOTCH LOVE: A FAMILY OF TREASURY LOVE POEM. Illustrated by Melody Benson Rosales. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books. ISBN 0688156673
Find out how mothers are celebrated in other countries. Make a chart showing which nations have a way to honor mothers and which do not. Let students describe any unusual honor they discover.
Put on a Superman cape, and ask children to guess what that has to do with Mother's Day. Talk about the special things the grownups who raise them do for the children.
By Nikki Grimes
Mom says
She remembers
The night
I came running
Into her room
In bare feet
Wearing faded
Superman pajamas
Tears chasing
Each other
Down my cheeks
Because I’d had
A scary dream
About drowning.
She remembers
How I dove under
The quilt & curled
into the curve
Of her back
Where I slept
Like a baby
& how I
tickled her awake
The next day
& sprayed her
With laughter.
I don’t understand
How she could cram
So many details
Into this memory
When all I know
Is that one night
I cried & she
Was there.
Grimes, Nikki. 2000. HOPSCOTCH LOVE: A FAMILY OF TREASURY LOVE POEM. Illustrated by Melody Benson Rosales. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books. ISBN 0688156673
Find out how mothers are celebrated in other countries. Make a chart showing which nations have a way to honor mothers and which do not. Let students describe any unusual honor they discover.
Photo courtesy of http://images.search.yahoo.com.
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