Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thank You Month

Do you remember to tell people thank you when they help you? January is National ‘Thank You’ Month so today we are going to read a poem that is a thank you letter.


Dear Teacher
By Nikki Grimes

If you tutor someone
twice a week
for 3 months,
when 2 months have 5 weeks,
and 1 month has 4,
what do you get?
Sparkling blackboards
9 Mondays in a row,
a straightened desk
no less than 16 times,
2 kisses (1 per cheek),
and 1 big, fat, THANKS!

Signed, David
who only hates math
½ as much
as he used to

Grimes, Nikki. 2006. THANKS A MILLION. Illustrated by Cozbi A. Cabrera. New York, NY: Greenwillow Books, 2006. ISBN 068817292X

Write your own thank you letter to a teacher who has been especially nice or helpful to you.

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