Kwanzaa is a week long holiday created in 1966 as a celebration of African American heritage. It includes candle lighting in honor of self-determination, creativity and cooperation and the giving of home-made presents.
Kwanzaa Time Is Here
By Helen H. Moore
“Habari gani!”—What’s the news?
What’s the great occasion?
Let’s pull together—“Harambee!”
To make a celebration.
It’s Kwanzaa!
Time for Unity
And Self-Determination!
We’ll share Responsibility,
and show Cooperation.
It’s Kwanzaa!
Time for Purpose,
Time for Creativity,
And Kwanzaa’s also time for Faith.
It’s Kwanzaa! Harambee!
Moore, Helen B. 1997. A POEM A DAY: 180 THEMATIC POEMS AND ACTIVITIES THAT TEACH AND DELIGHT ALL YEAR LONG. New York: Scholastic Professional Books. ISBN 0590294334
Read SEVEN CANDLES FOR KWANZAA by Andrea Davis Pinkney or a favorite Kwanzaa book. Discuss the seven principles learned in the poem and the story, unity, self-determination, responsibility, cooperation, purpose, creativity, and faith. Ask if those are good principles to live by. If time allows, allow students to make a black placemat that has red and green paper strips weaved through to represent the Kwanzaa colors.
Photo courtesy of http://images.search.yahoo.com/
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